Fireplace Leaks in Muskogee, OK
An area of the home where leaks are especially troublesome is the fireplace.
Water leaking from your fireplace are usually the result of a foundation issue
or poor exterior waterproofing of your home. Finding where the leaks are coming
from and how they occurred is the first step in getting the leaks repaired. The
professionals at Pierman Foundation Repair Services can inspect your fireplace and
determine where the leaks are coming from, then find the repair solution for
your leaking fireplace.
Sometimes water in the fireplace comes from the outside of
the chimney and is caused by water entering the top of the
chimney. Other times, a leaking fireplace is caused by a
foundation problem. Some of the other reasons you may have water
pooling in your fireplace are:
- Cracks in the chimney crown
- Cracks in the chimney bricks
- Dislodged flashing around the chimney
The professionals at Pierman Foundation Repair Services will inspect
your fireplace and determine why you are having water entering
and pooling around your fireplace.
Fireplace Leak Solutions in Muskogee, OK
If water is
allowed to pool around your foundation or around the exterior
chimney, it can cause the concrete or

masonry to deteriorate
which weakens the structure, leading to cracks allowing water to
enter the cracks. To keep water from pooling around your
chimney, you need to have an exterior drainage system and
surface drainage.
Surface drainage consists of catch basins and grates to protect
against water damage caused by excess rainwater. The are
designed as a collection point for water runoff. The catch
basins have grates to filter out leaves, sticks and other debris
that can clog the drain pipe.
The channel drain used for surface drainage is a lightweight
drain system with interlocking joints. These channel drains
eliminate the need for grading a deck surface to a low area.
Channel drains provide a more overall open surface area than
conventional area grates.
All of the products used for surface drainage and basement
waterproofing are manufactured by
Earth Contact Products, the
best in the industry. The ECP pop-up emitter provides a cost
effective downspout and sump pump discharge away from the
By keeping water from pooling around your foundation, will
prevent and fix fireplace leaks. Let Pierman Foundation Repair Services
inspect your fireplace and find out why you are having fireplace
leaks. We will find the best solution to your problem. Don't
ignore fireplace leaks; they can lead to even bigger issues.
Contact Pierman Foundation Repair Services today!